“The Ecology Action Centre's Coastal and Water Team is a smaller group focused on lobbying and working with all levels of government to create new and update coastal regulations/policies.”

— Ecology Action Centre’s Coastal and Water Team

Who they are

The Coastal and Water team has been their own department for almost a decade, existing in an intermediary role just like our coastlines - connecting marine and terrestrial environments and initiatives. The Coastal and Water team plays an important role conserving Canadian aquatic environments such as wetlands which can be found in both oceanic and freshwater ecosystems. All water is connected and the Coastal and Water team works with many other Ecology Action departments and organizations to protect Canada’s coastlines.

“We don’t have a systems approach to water. But water is very much a holistic system. Estuaries, rivers, wetlands, shorelines, and the ocean are all connected. ”

— Will Balser (Coastal Adaptation Coordinator)

  • Interconnected

  • Focused

  • Systems approach

What they do

Since the Ecology Action Centre has so many different departments working together, the Coastal and Water team can tackle a variety of coastal related issues. Having such a diverse network enables the Coastal and Water team to tackle jurisdictional issues of water and Riparian rights. The Coastal and Water team are able to confront ecosystem issues that are otherwise always separated based on jurisdictions - but are still connected by water and directly influence one another.

“We have the capacity to go from the wilderness, all the way out into the ocean.”

— Will Balser (Coastal Adaptation Coordinator)

Who has jurisdiction over water in Canada?

What are Riparian rights?

Provincial governments in Canada have the primary jurisdiction over most areas of water management and protection. However, this is not always the case as Federal governments in Canada also have jurisdiction over some areas of water. In addition to this, municipalities are also responsible for managing water in Canada, especially drinking water and wastewater treatment. Due to so many overlapping jurisdictions - protecting aquatic environments in Canada can get complicated.

Riparian rights refer to a system for allocating water among those who own land along its path. This includes the right of access to the water, withdraw water for your own use, undisturbed natural flow of water, and undiminished water quality (pollution).

“Development policy and coastal access are my passions. Respecting sensitive ecosystems that are already under such strain and focusing to preserve them and advocate for their protection is absolutely critical.”

— Will Balser (Coastal Adaptation Coordinator)

Why focus on policies?

The Coastal and Water team has approached coastal projects through a lot of different angles including on-the-ground work such as living shoreline implementations and trials, and local asset mapping.

Currently, the Coastal and Water team are focusing most of their efforts on policies - specifically advocating for legislation like the Coastal Protection Act and a Coastal Access Initiative. As well as making recommendations for current and future policy amendments. Policies are important to ensure effective protection of important ecosystems for the long-term.

Their current projects

  • Sea-level Rise Education and Planning

    Find resources and information on how you can help protect your home and coastal communities from the impacts of sea-level rise.

  • Wetlands and Water

    Learn what the Coastal and Water team are doing to protect wetlands in Canada.

  • Water Lot Infilling

    Learn how the Coastal and Water team is helping fight water lot infilling projects in Nova Scotia.

“Unfortunately, globally and locally, wetlands are being destroyed by human activities at an alarming rate. As both climate change and the biodiversity crisis continue to intensify, the need for wetlands is becoming more and more pressing. We cannot afford to lose anymore wetlands.”

Mimi O’Handley (Wetlands and Water Coordinator)

Nova Scotia’s Coastal Protection Act

  • The Coastal Protection Act in Nova Scotia is the first of its kind in Canada. The goals of this Act are to provide protection for vital coastal ecosystems, eliminate inappropriate coastal development, and preserve the dynamic nature of Nova Scotia’s coasts to better withstand the impacts of climate change.

  • The Coastal Protection Act will directly impact Canadians living in Nova Scotia. This Act will create a coastal protection zone, regulating all development on lands within proximity of the shore. People looking to develop within the coastal zone will be required to meet minimum building elevation above sea level standards.

  • If you live in Nova Scotia, be aware of any changes in your local coastal environments and communicate these changes with the Coastal and Water team. The Coastal and Water team will be voicing concerns of communities across the province, seeking updates in the coming years to current knowledge gaps in the Coastal Protection Act.

“We are actively working to advocate for stronger wetland protection in Nova Scotia. This includes calling on the government to review and strengthen the Nova Scotia Wetland Conservation Policy, advocating against major industrial projects that threaten and cause unnecessary harm to wetlands, supporting community groups that are actively trying to protect wetlands in their local areas, and promoting public awareness regarding the benefits of wetlands through educational initiatives.”

— Mimi O’Handley (Wetlands and Water Coordinator)

Make a donation.

Help Ecology Action Centre and the Coastal and Water team continue to take action on critical issues, including climate change, biodiversity and coastline protection, and environmental justice.