Our Story
Sea Change Canada works with organizations and individuals in coastal communities to support environmental leadership, community development, and capacity-building.
Rather than focusing on the problems of the world, we aim to seek out the champions of change who are working from a grassroots, community level to change their relationship with the earth and each other.
Sea Change works with global partners on the ground in coastal communities to support environmental leadership, community development and capacity-building. We share stories of action and hope to inspire others to become partners in positive change. We foster connections from local community to local community so that the opportunities we face in the future can be met in solidarity; struggles and stories of success become real to more than just the immediate people they touch, and instead, positively transform our global community.
What does Sea Change Canada do?
Raises awareness within Canada about coastal and marine issues across the globe and emphasizing the importance of our mutual relationship to water.
Tells stories of positive change on sustainability and development issues among coastal communities and showcasing the grassroots champions who are working to change the world through their local community.
Identifies and profiles coastal initiatives across Canada that are building resilient coastal communities.