“Our main focus is protecting BC’s endangered killer whales. We work to reduce the harmful disturbances caused by human activities through public education and direct engagement in the field. Our programs contribute to the overall conservation efforts to protect the killer whales’ habitat and ensure their survival.”

— Emily Perkovic (Straitwatch)

Who they are

Cetus Research and Conservation Society is a non-profit based in British Columbia, founded in 2005. Starting out operating the Robson Bight Warden program, Cetus expanded to Victoria and then to Quadra Island with the Straitwatch program. Their main focus is protecting BC’s killer whale populations including the Northern Residents, Southern Residents, and Bigg’s populations. Their work also benefits other marine mammals such as Humpbacks, dolphins and porpoises.

Cetus Society protects BC’s killer whales and other marine mammals primarily, by working on the water educating boaters about the marine mammal viewing guidelines. Cetus works on the water each season between June and September seven days a week.

Photos by: Cetus Society

  • Immediate

  • Direct

  • Intervention

“Much of our work has an immediate benefit for killer whales and their day-to-day activities, which is rare in a lot of conservation efforts. Our teams are on the water with the whales ensuring prompt intervention and prevention with vessels around killer whales.”

— Emily Perkovic (Straitwatch)

What they do

Cetus Society and their work protecting BC killer whales helps Canadian coastlines in two ways: increasing boater awareness, and working directly in the field to prevent harm to killer whales and other marine mammals.

Cetus Society has built a strong presence on BC’s coastlines, having an immediate impact on the water. Their work helps increase boater awareness of how to operate safely around whales. Cetus Society also works to raise awareness on how to avoid whale vessel collisions.

Much of the data collected by Cetus Society throughout the survey season is provided to the Department of Fisheries & Oceans, providing insight into the efficacy of current guidelines and the need for additional management measures.

Be Whale Wise

Canadian Regulations:

  • Must maintain a minimum 400m distance from all killer whales in Southern Resident killer whale critical habitat

  • Must maintain a minimum 200m distance from all killer whales outside critical habitat

  • Must maintain a minimum 100m distance from all marine mammals, and 200m if they are resting with a calf

Their programs

Straitwatch Program

The Straitwatch stewardship program is a marine mammal monitoring and education program which operates on the Salish Sea and focuses primarily in the waters surrounding Victoria and the Southern Gulf Islands.

Robson Bight Warden Program

The Robson Bight Warden Program monitors the waters around the Robson Bight Ecological Reserve on northeastern Vancouver Island which is critical habitat for threatened Northern Resident killer whales.

“It is hugely gratifying to see better protections coming into place for BC’s killer whales.”

— Emily Perkovic (Straitwatch)

Do you know your zones?

Have an upcoming event you would like Cetus Society to attend?

“We have been able to assist the Department of Fisheries & Oceans with humpback disentanglements. In 2021, there were three humpbacks identified as entangled in the Campbell River area and we were able to contribute to the removal of around 200 yards of fishing gear off one of the humpbacks. It was a great feeling for the team.”

— Emily Perkovic (Straitwatch)

Want to volunteer?

Are you passionate about protecting the whales of the Salish Sea? If so, let Cetus Society know. Cetus Society accepts volunteers throughout the year for various tasks including dock talks and other education events.

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Help support Cetus Society and their work to reduce disturbances to marine mammals on BC’s coast. Their work promotes respect for our marine environment through on-the-water and land-based education and direct monitoring activities.

Check out their social media