Two-Eyed Seeing
It all begins with an idea.
Etuaptmumk is the Mi'kmaw word for Two-Eyed Seeing
Etuaptmumk or Two-Eyed Seeing is the Guiding Principle brought into the Integrative Science co-learning journey by Mi'kmaw Elder Albert Marshall, in Fall 2004.
The principle of Two-Eyed Seeing helps teach people to see from one eye with the strengths of Indigenous knowledges and ways of knowing, and from the other eye with the strengths of Western knowledges and ways of knowing. Two-Eyed Seeing requires the individual to interconnect these views, to live a more sustainable way of life.
Elder Albert indicates that Etuaptmumk - Two-Eyed Seeing “is the gift of multiple perspective treasured by many Aboriginal peoples. We believe it is the requisite Guiding Principle for the new consciousness needed to enable Integrative Science work, as well as other integrative or transcultural or transdisciplinary or collaborative work.”
To learn more, visit the Institute of Integrated Science & Health’s page on Two-Eyed Seeing to learn more and see some great resources!